Moments in Leadership

Take Aways for Civilian Listeners

Greetings! Don’t let the subject matter, icon, or ranks turn you away; entrepreneurs and leaders from all walks of life (especially the civilian world) will undoubtedly finish each podcast with meaningful take aways. As far as I know, there is no other podcast out there that questions this caliber of leadership. Believe me, you will enjoy diving into the unconventional careers of top-tier guests in this easygoing format. Personally, I’m a young (25yo) business owner at the beginning of my career in the agricultural sector. I’ve leveraged lessons learned from these episodes in managing 2.5-acres of fruit tree production with my peers and this will only continue as we hire more staff. Moments in Leadership is one of my favorite podcasts to hear during commutes to and from the nursery. The articulate perspectives and consistent question sets help one see business/entrepreneurship in a multitude of new ways while also making for an easy listen. I love the new intro used in episode 11 as well! Keep up the solid work!

Feb. 24, 2022 by hivolatility on Apple Podcasts

Moments in Leadership

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