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Mandatory Listening for Marines!
I have been listening for a couple of years now and I am continually amazed at the great insights that come out in each episode. Dave is truly a top-notch interviewer and he gets some of the best leaders in our service as guests. Highly recommend for Marines of all ranks and anyone else who wants some leadership tips from legendary Marines.

Great stories about Marine Leadership
As Bill’s younger brother and a spectator at “the parade” I didn’t until now fully appreciate the significance of it. I hope today’s junior officer Marines have the same brotherly love for each other.

Great Stuff
Great content here! Would be interested to hear perspectives from any SWO leaders who have recently returned from The Red Sea. I’d have to imagine the last year + of real world events in that AOR have highlighted leadership lesson relevant to future conflicts.

Excellent insight.
This is excellent insight from some of the best men and women in our military leadership. What should almost be mandatory listening for active military, can also be beneficial in the civilian world as well. Leaders are leaders, regardless of their occupation and I know that I have gleaned useful information for my professional life, long after my military service has ended. Semper Fi.

A lesson for everyone.
One of my favorite podcasts, each guest brings a wealth of knowledge from decades of experience in the military. Whether you are a new junior service member, mid grade NCO or Officer, or just a history lover, there is a lesson in each episode. I have always enjoyed listening to stories of the Pre-GWOT Marine Corps and Moments In Leadership has many guests with those experiences. (Not to mention the host). I recommend this podcast to every active duty and reservist service member. If you’re looking for an entertaining podcast with a wealth of leadership lessons, Moments In Leadership is the show for you.

Must stop listening during workouts
This is a unique and invaluable tool in leadership development, particularly at the battery level. With a sea of information at an individuals fingertips and the average person having the attention span of a garden hose, this platform bridges the gap between reading books and being in a training exercise. With that said, I wish I took better notes. Listening to this in the gym or during a run does not give the show justice. Mike Battalion, leading the way ;)

Steal Sharpens Steal
I firmly believe that reading and listening fulfills gaps where experience lacks. Some may have not been afforded the opportunity or may have not experienced a situation, but listening to podcast like this provides perspective that EVERY leader should hear. The guests on the podcast are legends and I appreciate the podcast for codifying the golden nuggets of leadership. A must for everyone. Recommend the current CMC (Gen Smith) or BGen Matthew Goode or Fridrickerson. Keep it going!

Great Leadership Insights
Really enjoy the podcast. The story’s and experiences shared really paint a great picture of what it means to lead with applications for the military and civilian world alike.

MajGen Lukeman
Great episode, hearing how MajGen Lukeman overcame some early struggles as a young leader, navigated a unique career path, unexpectedly took [a different] Bn Cmd, and his current work with Marine Corps Heritage Foundation and the Marine Corps Museum!

Semper Doctrina
I cannot start this review without explaining the title, the intent being ‘always learning’. At any rate, this podcast is one of my top 3 that I look forward to. Each episode is better than the last. His questions and vignettes are amazing and thorough. The guest always bring something different to the podcast and has a valuable lesson to impart either by storytelling from a past experience. I think many leaders or new leaders learn best by experience from what this podcast has shown me. I always look forward to the next one and hope for more senior enlisted from other services as well.

Applicable to Anyone
MIL is an awesome resource to help both those in service and those in the civilian world understand leadership and how to make an impact both up and down the chain of command. Dave also does a good job of making the stories understandable for those of us who haven’t served and not using too much lingo that would be hard to follow along. Have been binging episodes ever since I came across this podcast!

Phenomenal Resource
I have been listening to this for about 2 years now. As I have been selected to the rank of LtCol I reflect on how I wish this was available when I was a young Lt and Capt. Invaluable reflections on leadership from Senior leaders who have had outstanding impacts on our institution and some whom I have had the opportunity to work for or in close proximity with. I recommend any military professional use this resource to gain insights and perspectives on where the DoD is going (emphasis on Marines) and how we can improve. Keep on doing what you’re doing Mr. Armstrong!

Invaluable resource for civilians and Military
I’m a civilian working on suicide prevention at HQ Marine Corps and Moments in Leadership has been an invaluable tool for me in my position here. Dave does an incredible job of asking military leaders insightful, thoughtful questions. Listening to these interviews has given me a greater understanding and appreciation for what it is like to be a Marine or a military servicemember, and provided me ideas and ways that I can be a better, more effective part of this incredible organization.

Exceptional podcast!!!
“Moments in Leadership” is not only filling a void but also builds a bridge to understanding the human condition on an executive level. Dave’s work introduces insights while providing valuable takeaways that current and future generations need to carry all of us forward

Thank you for this gift to leaders at all levels
This is simply an amazing resource for leaders at all levels. Dave’s ability to put his guest at ease and share some of their greatest insights on their personal leadership journey. Inevitably, he can’t resist to share some of his own experiences, which adds additional perspective to the conversation. I highly recommend that you give this podcast a try.

Must listen for all leaders, civilian and military
I started listening to this podcast several months ago and quickly found myself listening to it daily. The guests are proven performers and can articulate their experiences from early on in their careers to present, in a way that even the most junior service members can relate to. I’ve found help with personal, real life scenarios, within the stories shared on here. Whether it’s dealing with tough decisions, standing up for my Marines, or how to handle particularly difficult situations, there is something to take away from listening to this podcast. Also, I’ve kept up with current events in the Marines as I am currently on a special duty assignment and don’t have much time to focus on other matters outside of my daily responsibilities.

Outstanding podcast for civilians too
I’ve listened to many of these podcasts and found them to incredibly useful for my civilian job as a fire service chief officer. While some of the acronyms used may be foreign to those without a military background, the intent and a principles put forth are easily understood and applicable to our non-military life. The principles and motivations for leading people and organizations with honor and purpose is universal and timeless. The podcasts address the complex leadership issues facing us today along with the basic human behavior requirements that motivate others to follow. Each episode gives you a window in to sole and heart of the great leaders interviewed and their approach to leadership in situations they face in making their organization as effective and efficient as possible. I want to thank Lt Col. (ret) Armstrong’s work to open this window for all to see. Andy Louden. Sgt USMC Aerial Navigator VMGR 352 1976-1980

Leadership Gold!!!
Dave Armstrong’s “Moments in Leadership” podcast is an absolute gem for anyone interested in Marine Corps leadership and the timeless values that define our Corps. As an active duty SgtMaj I appreciate Dave’s ability to connect with his guests and dig out insights that resonate across generations of Marines. Dave’s dedication to shedding light on critical topics is commendable, making this podcast a must-listen for all those seeking inspiration and wisdom in leadership. MIL guests are always top notch; their perspectives and mentorship make me better. Thank you and Semper Fi! 🦅 🌎 ⚓️

Valuable to say the least.
I find myself listening to this podcast rather than music or some video on the internet everyday. The knowledge shared from accomplished men in their fields in the military has been very beneficial to my life.

This podcast should become part of professional military education. One of the few podcasts I’m subscribed to and share at the rapid rate when they're released. LtCol Armstrong, know that you are making a difference and leaving an impact. Keep attacking.

Great show
I wish I had this show years ago. Candid conversations where proven leaders share their lessons and trials in learning and honing their craft. Recommend you interview CWOs. They have experience in the enlisted ranks and have to work with unrestricted officers- they prove that leadership goes in all directions; down, sideways, and up.

Great podcast
One of my favorite podcasts for military leadership from consistent high quality guests.

Leadership at its finest
There are so many excellent episodes from so many differing points of view. I know leaders at all levels are listening. Not only are the leadership lessons valuable, they provide a backdrop for aspiring leaders at all levels. I will continue to listen and share your podcast with folks everywhere. Side note for older Marines (this brings back a lot of memories) and times and things that have been left to history. Having Admiral W was so great. Knowing his father commanded the USS Trenton (LPD-14) that I was on as a young Corporal, brought back the memories. Thanks for the good work. Keep it up!

Powerful stuff!!!!
David and this show have become a regular part of my listening and learning “go to’s” Strongly recommend giving this one a listen 🔥

Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) on the go.
Like previously mentioned by another listener, this is Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) on the go. Every guest shares valuable first hand lessons learned that took place 20-30+ years ago but still apply today. Leaders at all levels will benefit greatly from the leadership lessons and vignettes shared. listened to all the episodes on my PCS road-trip from San Diego to Camp Lejeune. Looking forward to hearing some stories from Tankers, retired or still out there serving. "Steel on Target"

Thank you Sir
Sir, As a former Marine Officer and current firefighter aspiring for leadership roles, thank you for the conversations you are having with some of the top military leadership. I find the questions about your guests first few years as a junior officer the most interesting. I would appreciate you branching out interviewing leaders in other domains especially FD/PD. Jason Brezler is a FDNY fire officer and Marine Officer who might be a good fit. Thanks again! S/F

PME on the go!
Thank you Mr Dave Armstrong. I have been sharing this with as many Marines I interact with. This has augmented my personal PME by listening this to podcast as I run— this is mobile PME. If education is PT for the brain then this is the equivalent of the workout of the day. Semper Fi. LtCol Saúl Manzanet

Wish this existed earlier in my career
This is a fantastic podcast and an amazing resource. I've been evangelizing it to my fellow Soldiers ever since i was fortunate enough to stumble upon it. I'd love to hear some senior Army NCOs share their experiences as well.

Phenomenal Podcast!
This entire series of podcast episodes has been incredibly impactful for service members of all branches and ranks! I second the vote to have more senior enlisted on, and want to add a plug for Chief Warrant Officers as well. Let me be the first to volunteer! Best regards, CWO Lee Bowden

Where was this 20 years ago?
Invaluable. Should be mandatory listening for all ranks. Focus listening at the schoolhouses and have a PODclub like a book club at each unit. Armstrong is killing it in the arena.